Master Gerald Businge is a sought after enlightened learning facilitator and visionary guiding those focused on achieving their greatness on this planet. He is a multi award winning multimedia journalist, communications specialist, seasoned trainer, entrepreneur, technology developer; and teacher of the Truth, life re-engineering, creativity and transformation. He studied Mass Communication, Journalism & Communication at Makerere University and Multimedia Journalism at the University of California Berkeley and is part of the Digital Development Network led by Sheffield University, UK. He facilitates the learning of multimedia journalism and digital communication at Makerere University Department of Journalism & Communication and supports many universities in new media and digital pedagogy training.

He is the founder of Ultimate Multimedia Consult, Yaaka Digital Network, Yaaka Publishers and Educare. Businge is a certified trainer of UMC, Internews Europe, DW Akademie, Hague Academy, World Bank and has consulted widely for many organisations in journalism, media, communication, documentation and technology, including UNICEF, UNDP, Plan International, Enabel, USAID, BRAC, World Vision, Uganda Episcopal Conference, Government of Uganda, ACCU, IRC, DW Akademie, Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom, FAWE, Mastercard Foundation, Feed the Children, Oxfam, Carnegie Corporation of New York, NDI, among others. He is a dedicated husband, father, Rotarian and counsellor.
He is also the author of several publications, including Effective Digital Pedagogy, The Manifestation Mindset, Achieving Success with Digital Learning, Becoming Ultimate Masters, A Century worth of top knowledge, God Powered affirmations and prayers, Media Monitoring tools and best practices, among others. He can be reached on email WhatsApp +256771324119